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Paystack Command line Client

This tutorial aims to expose you to how to use pypaystack2 in your python projects for paystack integrations. We'll be building a simple command line application that integrates with paystack's services.

Project Setup

We'll start by setting up our project. We'll be using pipenv for managing this project's dependencies and environment. you're free to use your preferred choice like virtualenv, hatch or poetry. if you don't have pipenv installed yet, you can install it with pip install pipenv. it's important to note that pipenv should be installed globally and not within a virtual environment. You're good to proceed if this prerequisite is met.

  • Create a directory to house our project.
mkdir paystack_cli_client && cd paystack_cli_client
  • Initialize a virtual environment for the project.
pipenv shell
  • Install the projects dependencies. We'll be needing pypaystack2, python-dotenv, and typer. pypaystack2 package is an API wrapper for paystack's services. python-dotenv helps us manage our environmental variables and typer makes building command line apps in python super simple.
pipenv install pypaystack2 python-dotenv typer

If all work's fine, you're good to proceed.

Environmental Variables

pypaystack2 depends on your paystack authorization key that you get from signing up to paystack. Paystack provides you with two pairs. A pair of public and secret keys for live mode and another set for test mode. You can find them in your account settings. Since this is just a tutorial, we'll be using only the test secret key. Create a new file named .env within your project's root directory. Now put in your test secret key in the .env file like so.

PAYSTACK_AUTHORIZATION_KEY = "<your paystack test secret key>"


Because this is just a tutorial, no extra measure is made to protect this environmental. In a more serious project or production code, extra care should be taken to protect it and also avoid pushing it to a remote source control.

Let the games begin

It's time to start building! create a new file named in your root directory.

# root-dir/
from dotenv import load_dotenv


What we have just done is loaded our secret test key within the .env file. You may be wondering why do we need that, here's why pypaystack2 needs this key to communicate with paystack's api. alternatively, you can pass your authorization key into any of the api wrappers provided by pypaystack2 via their auth_key parameter. Here's a list of all the API wrappers currently available as at the time of writing of this tutorial.


As of version 1.1.3, pypaystack2 provided Paystack class which had all the available api wrappers bounded to it. version 2.0.0 also added AsyncPaystack to provide the asynchronous equivalent. So instead off importing individual wrappers you only have to import the Paystack or AsyncPaystack class.

Example: The old way of doing things

from pypaystack2.uitls import Country
from pypaystack2.api import Miscellaneous

miscellaneous_wrapper = Miscellaneous(auth_key="<paystack secret key>")
response = miscellaneous_wrapper.get_banks(country=Country.NIGERIA)

The new way

from pypaystack2 import Paystack, Country

paystack = Paystack(auth_key="<paystack secret key>")
response = paystack.miscellaneous.get_banks(country=Country.NIGERIA)

So in a situation where you don't have your PAYSTACK_AUTHORIZATION_KEY as an environmental variable, you can pass it into any of the API wrappers. e.g.

# When you don't have PAYSTACK_AUTHORIZATION_KEY(paystack secret key) in your environmental variables
from pypaystack2 import Paystack

paystack = Paystack(auth_key="<your test secret key>")

# When you have PAYSTACK_AUTHORIZATION_KEY(paystack secret key) set in your environmental variables
paystack = Paystack()


You don't have to provide your authorization key on the instantiation of any of the API wrappers as long as you have it set in your environmental variables like this tutorial does.

On your marks!

The first feature we'll be implementing for our Paystack Command line Client is the ability to create new customers on our paystack integration. so now update your file with the code below.

# root-dir/
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from typer import Typer


app = Typer()

def new_customer():
    print("new customer successfully created!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

This is a minimum setup to building cli apps with Typer. Now try this in your project's root directory.

python --help

You should see.

Usage: [OPTIONS]

--install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                Install completion for the specified
--show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                Show completion for the specified shell,
                                to copy it or customize the installation.
--help                          Show this message and exit.

You can see that we now have a command line app that's responding to our command in this case --help. Let's try out the custom command we just added.


You should see

new customer successfully created!

At the moment, no new customer is actually getting created on your paystack integration. let's bring in pypaystack2 to help us get the job done. For this to work, pypaystack2 provides wrappers for the restful APIs provided by Paystack. These wrappers are named to closely match the API they wrap and methods on these wrappers correspond to endpoints on the Paystack services you're interested in so in this case, for us to create a customer on our integration, we need to use the Customer API wrapper which connects to Paystack's Customer Services API. More info at Paystack's Customer Services API

# root-dir/
from typing import Optional
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pypaystack2 import Paystack
from typer import Typer

app = Typer()

paystack = Paystack()

def new_customer(
        email: str,
        first_name: Optional[str] = None,
        last_name: Optional[str] = None,
        phone: Optional[str] = None,
    response = paystack.customers.create(
        email=email, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, phone=phone

if __name__ == "__main__":


All API wrappers are available on pypaystack. as attributes e.g. paystack.transactions for the Transactions API

Now if you run the script again.


You get error saying you have a missing argument 'EMAIL'

Try ' --help' for help.

Error: Missing argument 'EMAIL'.

Now let's try out our script with the email of the customer we want to create.


Now if all goes fine. "An Internet connection is required", you should get something similar to this

Customer created
{'transactions': [], 'subscriptions': [], 'authorizations': [], 'first_name': '', 'last_name': '', 'email': '', 'phone': '', 'metadata': None, 'domain': 'test', 'customer_code': 'CUS_kd197ej30zxr34v', 'risk_action': 'default', 'id': 47748473, 'integration': 630606, 'createdAt': '2021-06-20T05:16:20.000Z', 'updatedAt': '2021-06-20T05:16:20.000Z', 'identified': False, 'identifications': None}

Yay! You've just created a new customer on your integration You can check out the customer's tab in
your Paystack account to confirm this.


You can also create new customers with a first name and last name like so.

python --first-name John --last-name Doe

What just happened?

You have just created a new customer on your integration with the CLI app you just built. But how? If you've followed this tutorial to this point, you already know what wrappers are, or you can quickly skim through the chapters before to get a refresher. The right question should be what is the create method on the Customer wrapper for. You guess right if what's on your mind is that it creates a new customer on your integration. So as it was said earlier, all wrappers have methods on them that correspond to an endpoint on paystack and all of these methods will return a Response object based on the response it gets from Paystack. This Response is just a NamedTuple that holds the status,status_code,message and data. So this call

response = paystack.customers.create(email=email, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, phone=phone)

in our script returns the Response object just described, and you can access each of these attributes with response.status, response.status_code, response.message,

More Commands!

Let's add a few more commands to our Paystack Command line Client

# root-dir/
from typing import Optional
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pypaystack2 import Paystack
from typer import Typer


app = Typer()

paystack = Paystack()

def new_customer(
        email: str,
        first_name: Optional[str] = None,
        last_name: Optional[str] = None,
        phone: Optional[str] = None,
    response = paystack.customers.create(
        email=email, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, phone=phone

def list_customers():
    response = paystack.customers.get_customers()

def get_customer(ec: str):
    response = paystack.customers.get_customer(email_or_code=ec)

def update_customer(code: str, last_name: str, first_name: str):
    response = paystack.customers.update(
        code=code, last_name=last_name, first_name=first_name

if __name__ == "__main__":

We now have 3 new commands for our cli app. you can check them out with

python --help

Now under the available command you should see get-customer, list-customers, new-customer, update-customer


    --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                    Install completion for the specified
    --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                    Show completion for the specified shell,
                                    to copy it or customize the installation.
    --help                          Show this message and exit.


You can try out the new command with the following commands

Where to go from here

It's all in your hands now. We now have a working cli app, but it does not have all the features to make it a fully fledged Paystack command line client you can implement more commands. It also does not handle all the likely exception that can occur, but then, the purpose of the tutorial is to expose you to pypaystack2.You can check out the fully built paystack-cli which can be quite useful for development purposes. Not sure how something works, you can always search the documentation. Good luck on your next project!