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Bases: BaseAsyncAPI

Provides a wrapper for paystack Subaccounts API

The Subaccounts API allows you to create and manage subaccounts on your integration. Subaccounts can be used to split payment between two accounts (your main account and a sub account).

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
class AsyncSubAccount(BaseAsyncAPI):
    """Provides a wrapper for paystack Subaccounts API

    The Subaccounts API allows you to create and manage subaccounts on your integration.
    Subaccounts can be used to split payment between two accounts
    (your main account and a sub account).

    async def create(
        business_name: str,
        settlement_bank: str,
        account_number: str,
        percentage_charge: float,
        description: str,
        primary_contact_email: Optional[str] = None,
        primary_contact_name: Optional[str] = None,
        primary_contact_phone: Optional[str] = None,
        metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
    ) -> Response:
        """Create a subacount on your integration.

            business_name: Name of business for subaccount
            settlement_bank: Bank Code for the bank. You can get the
                list of Bank Codes by calling the ``.get_banks``
                method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper
            account_number: Bank Account Number
            percentage_charge: The default percentage charged when receiving on behalf of this subaccount
            description: A description for this subaccount
            primary_contact_email: A contact email for the subaccount
            primary_contact_name: A name for the contact person for this subaccount
            primary_contact_phone: A phone number to call for this subaccount
            metadata: Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if
                you would like the fields to be added to your transaction when
                displayed on the dashboard.
                Sample: ``{"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID",
                "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}``

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        url = self._parse_url("/subaccount")
        payload = {
            "business_name": business_name,
            "settlement_bank": settlement_bank,
            "account_number": account_number,
            "percentage_charge": percentage_charge,
            "description": description,
        optional_params = [
            ("primary_contact_email", primary_contact_email),
            ("primary_contact_name", primary_contact_name),
            ("primary_contact_phone", primary_contact_phone),
            ("metadata", metadata),
        payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    async def get_subaccounts(
        self, start_date: str, end_date: str, page: int = 1, pagination: int = 50
    ) -> Response:
        """Fetch subaccounts available on your integration.

            start_date: A timestamp from which to start listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21
            end_date: A timestamp at which to stop listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21
            page: Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve. If not specified we use a default value of 1.
            pagination: Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page.
                If not specified we use a default value of 50.

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.
        url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount?perPage={pagination}")
        query_params = [
            ("from", start_date),
            ("to", end_date),
            ("page", page),
        url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    async def get_subaccount(self, id_or_code: str) -> Response:
        """Get details of a subaccount on your integration.

            id_or_code: The subaccount ``ID`` or ``code`` you want to fetch

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount/{id_or_code}")
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    async def update(
        id_or_code: str,
        business_name: str,
        settlement_bank: str,
        account_number: Optional[str] = None,
        active: Optional[bool] = None,
        percentage_charge: Optional[float] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        primary_contact_email: Optional[str] = None,
        primary_contact_name: Optional[str] = None,
        primary_contact_phone: Optional[str] = None,
        settlement_schedule: Optional[Schedule] = None,
        metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
    ) -> Response:
        """Update a subaccount details on your integration.

            id_or_code: Subaccount's ID or code
            business_name: Name of business for subaccount
            settlement_bank: Bank Code for the bank. You can get the
                list of Bank Codes by calling the ``.get_banks``
                method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper
            account_number: Bank Account Number
            active: Activate or deactivate a subaccount.
            percentage_charge: The default percentage charged when
                receiving on behalf of this subaccount
            description: A description for this subaccount
            primary_contact_email: A contact email for the subaccount
            primary_contact_name: A name for the contact person for this subaccount
            primary_contact_phone: A phone number to call for this subaccount
            settlement_schedule: ``Schedule.AUTO`` means payout is T+1 and manual means payout to the
                subaccount should only be made when requested.
                Defaults to ``Schedule.AUTO``
            metadata: Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if you would
                like the fields to be added to your transaction when displayed on the
                dashboard. Sample: ``{"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID",
                "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}``

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {
            "id_or_code": id_or_code,
            "business_name": business_name,
            "settlement_bank": settlement_bank,
        optional_params = [
            ("account_number", account_number),
            ("active", active),
            ("percentage_charge", percentage_charge),
            ("description", description),
            ("primary_contact_email", primary_contact_email),
            ("primary_contact_name", primary_contact_name),
            ("primary_contact_phone", primary_contact_phone),
            ("settlement_schedule", settlement_schedule),
            ("metadata", metadata),
        payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
        url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount/{id_or_code}")
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.PUT, url, payload)

create(business_name, settlement_bank, account_number, percentage_charge, description, primary_contact_email=None, primary_contact_name=None, primary_contact_phone=None, metadata=None) async

Create a subacount on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
business_name str

Name of business for subaccount

settlement_bank str

Bank Code for the bank. You can get the list of Bank Codes by calling the .get_banks method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper

account_number str

Bank Account Number

percentage_charge float

The default percentage charged when receiving on behalf of this subaccount

description str

A description for this subaccount

primary_contact_email Optional[str]

A contact email for the subaccount

primary_contact_name Optional[str]

A name for the contact person for this subaccount

primary_contact_phone Optional[str]

A phone number to call for this subaccount

metadata Optional[dict]

Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if you would like the fields to be added to your transaction when displayed on the dashboard. Sample: {"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID", "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def create(
    business_name: str,
    settlement_bank: str,
    account_number: str,
    percentage_charge: float,
    description: str,
    primary_contact_email: Optional[str] = None,
    primary_contact_name: Optional[str] = None,
    primary_contact_phone: Optional[str] = None,
    metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Response:
    """Create a subacount on your integration.

        business_name: Name of business for subaccount
        settlement_bank: Bank Code for the bank. You can get the
            list of Bank Codes by calling the ``.get_banks``
            method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper
        account_number: Bank Account Number
        percentage_charge: The default percentage charged when receiving on behalf of this subaccount
        description: A description for this subaccount
        primary_contact_email: A contact email for the subaccount
        primary_contact_name: A name for the contact person for this subaccount
        primary_contact_phone: A phone number to call for this subaccount
        metadata: Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if
            you would like the fields to be added to your transaction when
            displayed on the dashboard.
            Sample: ``{"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID",
            "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}``

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    url = self._parse_url("/subaccount")
    payload = {
        "business_name": business_name,
        "settlement_bank": settlement_bank,
        "account_number": account_number,
        "percentage_charge": percentage_charge,
        "description": description,
    optional_params = [
        ("primary_contact_email", primary_contact_email),
        ("primary_contact_name", primary_contact_name),
        ("primary_contact_phone", primary_contact_phone),
        ("metadata", metadata),
    payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

get_subaccount(id_or_code) async

Get details of a subaccount on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
id_or_code str

The subaccount ID or code you want to fetch



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def get_subaccount(self, id_or_code: str) -> Response:
    """Get details of a subaccount on your integration.

        id_or_code: The subaccount ``ID`` or ``code`` you want to fetch

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount/{id_or_code}")
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

get_subaccounts(start_date, end_date, page=1, pagination=50) async

Fetch subaccounts available on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
start_date str

A timestamp from which to start listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21

end_date str

A timestamp at which to stop listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21

page int

Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve. If not specified we use a default value of 1.

pagination int

Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page. If not specified we use a default value of 50.



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def get_subaccounts(
    self, start_date: str, end_date: str, page: int = 1, pagination: int = 50
) -> Response:
    """Fetch subaccounts available on your integration.

        start_date: A timestamp from which to start listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21
        end_date: A timestamp at which to stop listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21
        page: Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve. If not specified we use a default value of 1.
        pagination: Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page.
            If not specified we use a default value of 50.

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.
    url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount?perPage={pagination}")
    query_params = [
        ("from", start_date),
        ("to", end_date),
        ("page", page),
    url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

update(id_or_code, business_name, settlement_bank, account_number=None, active=None, percentage_charge=None, description=None, primary_contact_email=None, primary_contact_name=None, primary_contact_phone=None, settlement_schedule=None, metadata=None) async

Update a subaccount details on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
id_or_code str

Subaccount's ID or code

business_name str

Name of business for subaccount

settlement_bank str

Bank Code for the bank. You can get the list of Bank Codes by calling the .get_banks method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper

account_number Optional[str]

Bank Account Number

active Optional[bool]

Activate or deactivate a subaccount.

percentage_charge Optional[float]

The default percentage charged when receiving on behalf of this subaccount

description Optional[str]

A description for this subaccount

primary_contact_email Optional[str]

A contact email for the subaccount

primary_contact_name Optional[str]

A name for the contact person for this subaccount

primary_contact_phone Optional[str]

A phone number to call for this subaccount

settlement_schedule Optional[Schedule]

Schedule.AUTO means payout is T+1 and manual means payout to the subaccount should only be made when requested. Defaults to Schedule.AUTO

metadata Optional[dict]

Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if you would like the fields to be added to your transaction when displayed on the dashboard. Sample: {"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID", "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def update(
    id_or_code: str,
    business_name: str,
    settlement_bank: str,
    account_number: Optional[str] = None,
    active: Optional[bool] = None,
    percentage_charge: Optional[float] = None,
    description: Optional[str] = None,
    primary_contact_email: Optional[str] = None,
    primary_contact_name: Optional[str] = None,
    primary_contact_phone: Optional[str] = None,
    settlement_schedule: Optional[Schedule] = None,
    metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Response:
    """Update a subaccount details on your integration.

        id_or_code: Subaccount's ID or code
        business_name: Name of business for subaccount
        settlement_bank: Bank Code for the bank. You can get the
            list of Bank Codes by calling the ``.get_banks``
            method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper
        account_number: Bank Account Number
        active: Activate or deactivate a subaccount.
        percentage_charge: The default percentage charged when
            receiving on behalf of this subaccount
        description: A description for this subaccount
        primary_contact_email: A contact email for the subaccount
        primary_contact_name: A name for the contact person for this subaccount
        primary_contact_phone: A phone number to call for this subaccount
        settlement_schedule: ``Schedule.AUTO`` means payout is T+1 and manual means payout to the
            subaccount should only be made when requested.
            Defaults to ``Schedule.AUTO``
        metadata: Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if you would
            like the fields to be added to your transaction when displayed on the
            dashboard. Sample: ``{"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID",
            "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}``

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {
        "id_or_code": id_or_code,
        "business_name": business_name,
        "settlement_bank": settlement_bank,
    optional_params = [
        ("account_number", account_number),
        ("active", active),
        ("percentage_charge", percentage_charge),
        ("description", description),
        ("primary_contact_email", primary_contact_email),
        ("primary_contact_name", primary_contact_name),
        ("primary_contact_phone", primary_contact_phone),
        ("settlement_schedule", settlement_schedule),
        ("metadata", metadata),
    payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
    url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount/{id_or_code}")
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.PUT, url, payload)


Bases: BaseAPI

Provides a wrapper for paystack Subaccounts API

The Subaccounts API allows you to create and manage subaccounts on your integration. Subaccounts can be used to split payment between two accounts (your main account and a sub account).

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
class SubAccount(BaseAPI):
    """Provides a wrapper for paystack Subaccounts API

    The Subaccounts API allows you to create and manage subaccounts on your integration.
    Subaccounts can be used to split payment between two accounts
    (your main account and a sub account).

    def create(
        business_name: str,
        settlement_bank: str,
        account_number: str,
        percentage_charge: float,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        primary_contact_email: Optional[str] = None,
        primary_contact_name: Optional[str] = None,
        primary_contact_phone: Optional[str] = None,
        metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
    ) -> Response:
        """Create a subacount on your integration.

            business_name: Name of business for subaccount
            settlement_bank: Bank Code for the bank. You can get the
                list of Bank Codes by calling the ``.get_banks``
                method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper
            account_number: Bank Account Number
            percentage_charge: The default percentage charged when receiving on behalf of this subaccount
            description: A description for this subaccount
            primary_contact_email: A contact email for the subaccount
            primary_contact_name: A name for the contact person for this subaccount
            primary_contact_phone: A phone number to call for this subaccount
            metadata: Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if
                you would like the fields to be added to your transaction when
                displayed on the dashboard.
                Sample: ``{"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID",
                "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}``

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        url = self._parse_url("/subaccount")
        payload = {
            "business_name": business_name,
            "settlement_bank": settlement_bank,
            "account_number": account_number,
            "percentage_charge": percentage_charge,
            "description": description,
        optional_params = [
            ("primary_contact_email", primary_contact_email),
            ("primary_contact_name", primary_contact_name),
            ("primary_contact_phone", primary_contact_phone),
            ("metadata", metadata),
        payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    def get_subaccounts(
        self, start_date: str, end_date: str, page: int = 1, pagination: int = 50
    ) -> Response:
        """Fetch subaccounts available on your integration.

            start_date: A timestamp from which to start listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21
            end_date: A timestamp at which to stop listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21
            page: Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve. If not specified we use a default value of 1.
            pagination: Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page.
                If not specified we use a default value of 50.

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.
        url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount?perPage={pagination}")
        query_params = [
            ("from", start_date),
            ("to", end_date),
            ("page", page),
        url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    def get_subaccount(self, id_or_code: str) -> Response:
        """Get details of a subaccount on your integration.

            id_or_code: The subaccount ``ID`` or ``code`` you want to fetch

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount/{id_or_code}")
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    def update(
        id_or_code: str,
        business_name: str,
        settlement_bank: str,
        account_number: Optional[str] = None,
        active: Optional[bool] = None,
        percentage_charge: Optional[float] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        primary_contact_email: Optional[str] = None,
        primary_contact_name: Optional[str] = None,
        primary_contact_phone: Optional[str] = None,
        settlement_schedule: Optional[Schedule] = None,
        metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
    ) -> Response:
        """Update a subaccount details on your integration.

            id_or_code: Subaccount's ID or code
            business_name: Name of business for subaccount
            settlement_bank: Bank Code for the bank. You can get the
                list of Bank Codes by calling the ``.get_banks``
                method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper
            account_number: Bank Account Number
            active: Activate or deactivate a subaccount.
            percentage_charge: The default percentage charged when
                receiving on behalf of this subaccount
            description: A description for this subaccount
            primary_contact_email: A contact email for the subaccount
            primary_contact_name: A name for the contact person for this subaccount
            primary_contact_phone: A phone number to call for this subaccount
            settlement_schedule: ``Schedule.AUTO`` means payout is T+1 and manual means payout to the
                subaccount should only be made when requested.
                Defaults to ``Schedule.AUTO``
            metadata: Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if you would
                like the fields to be added to your transaction when displayed on the
                dashboard. Sample: ``{"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID",
                "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}``

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {
            "id_or_code": id_or_code,
            "business_name": business_name,
            "settlement_bank": settlement_bank,
        optional_params = [
            ("account_number", account_number),
            ("active", active),
            ("percentage_charge", percentage_charge),
            ("description", description),
            ("primary_contact_email", primary_contact_email),
            ("primary_contact_name", primary_contact_name),
            ("primary_contact_phone", primary_contact_phone),
            ("settlement_schedule", settlement_schedule),
            ("metadata", metadata),
        payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
        url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount/{id_or_code}")
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.PUT, url, payload)

create(business_name, settlement_bank, account_number, percentage_charge, description=None, primary_contact_email=None, primary_contact_name=None, primary_contact_phone=None, metadata=None)

Create a subacount on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
business_name str

Name of business for subaccount

settlement_bank str

Bank Code for the bank. You can get the list of Bank Codes by calling the .get_banks method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper

account_number str

Bank Account Number

percentage_charge float

The default percentage charged when receiving on behalf of this subaccount

description Optional[str]

A description for this subaccount

primary_contact_email Optional[str]

A contact email for the subaccount

primary_contact_name Optional[str]

A name for the contact person for this subaccount

primary_contact_phone Optional[str]

A phone number to call for this subaccount

metadata Optional[dict]

Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if you would like the fields to be added to your transaction when displayed on the dashboard. Sample: {"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID", "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def create(
    business_name: str,
    settlement_bank: str,
    account_number: str,
    percentage_charge: float,
    description: Optional[str] = None,
    primary_contact_email: Optional[str] = None,
    primary_contact_name: Optional[str] = None,
    primary_contact_phone: Optional[str] = None,
    metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Response:
    """Create a subacount on your integration.

        business_name: Name of business for subaccount
        settlement_bank: Bank Code for the bank. You can get the
            list of Bank Codes by calling the ``.get_banks``
            method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper
        account_number: Bank Account Number
        percentage_charge: The default percentage charged when receiving on behalf of this subaccount
        description: A description for this subaccount
        primary_contact_email: A contact email for the subaccount
        primary_contact_name: A name for the contact person for this subaccount
        primary_contact_phone: A phone number to call for this subaccount
        metadata: Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if
            you would like the fields to be added to your transaction when
            displayed on the dashboard.
            Sample: ``{"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID",
            "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}``

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    url = self._parse_url("/subaccount")
    payload = {
        "business_name": business_name,
        "settlement_bank": settlement_bank,
        "account_number": account_number,
        "percentage_charge": percentage_charge,
        "description": description,
    optional_params = [
        ("primary_contact_email", primary_contact_email),
        ("primary_contact_name", primary_contact_name),
        ("primary_contact_phone", primary_contact_phone),
        ("metadata", metadata),
    payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)


Get details of a subaccount on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
id_or_code str

The subaccount ID or code you want to fetch



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def get_subaccount(self, id_or_code: str) -> Response:
    """Get details of a subaccount on your integration.

        id_or_code: The subaccount ``ID`` or ``code`` you want to fetch

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount/{id_or_code}")
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

get_subaccounts(start_date, end_date, page=1, pagination=50)

Fetch subaccounts available on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
start_date str

A timestamp from which to start listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21

end_date str

A timestamp at which to stop listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21

page int

Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve. If not specified we use a default value of 1.

pagination int

Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page. If not specified we use a default value of 50.



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def get_subaccounts(
    self, start_date: str, end_date: str, page: int = 1, pagination: int = 50
) -> Response:
    """Fetch subaccounts available on your integration.

        start_date: A timestamp from which to start listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21
        end_date: A timestamp at which to stop listing subaccounts e.g. 2016-09-24T00:00:05.000Z, 2016-09-21
        page: Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve. If not specified we use a default value of 1.
        pagination: Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page.
            If not specified we use a default value of 50.

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.
    url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount?perPage={pagination}")
    query_params = [
        ("from", start_date),
        ("to", end_date),
        ("page", page),
    url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

update(id_or_code, business_name, settlement_bank, account_number=None, active=None, percentage_charge=None, description=None, primary_contact_email=None, primary_contact_name=None, primary_contact_phone=None, settlement_schedule=None, metadata=None)

Update a subaccount details on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
id_or_code str

Subaccount's ID or code

business_name str

Name of business for subaccount

settlement_bank str

Bank Code for the bank. You can get the list of Bank Codes by calling the .get_banks method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper

account_number Optional[str]

Bank Account Number

active Optional[bool]

Activate or deactivate a subaccount.

percentage_charge Optional[float]

The default percentage charged when receiving on behalf of this subaccount

description Optional[str]

A description for this subaccount

primary_contact_email Optional[str]

A contact email for the subaccount

primary_contact_name Optional[str]

A name for the contact person for this subaccount

primary_contact_phone Optional[str]

A phone number to call for this subaccount

settlement_schedule Optional[Schedule]

Schedule.AUTO means payout is T+1 and manual means payout to the subaccount should only be made when requested. Defaults to Schedule.AUTO

metadata Optional[dict]

Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if you would like the fields to be added to your transaction when displayed on the dashboard. Sample: {"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID", "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def update(
    id_or_code: str,
    business_name: str,
    settlement_bank: str,
    account_number: Optional[str] = None,
    active: Optional[bool] = None,
    percentage_charge: Optional[float] = None,
    description: Optional[str] = None,
    primary_contact_email: Optional[str] = None,
    primary_contact_name: Optional[str] = None,
    primary_contact_phone: Optional[str] = None,
    settlement_schedule: Optional[Schedule] = None,
    metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Response:
    """Update a subaccount details on your integration.

        id_or_code: Subaccount's ID or code
        business_name: Name of business for subaccount
        settlement_bank: Bank Code for the bank. You can get the
            list of Bank Codes by calling the ``.get_banks``
            method from the Miscellaneous API wrapper
        account_number: Bank Account Number
        active: Activate or deactivate a subaccount.
        percentage_charge: The default percentage charged when
            receiving on behalf of this subaccount
        description: A description for this subaccount
        primary_contact_email: A contact email for the subaccount
        primary_contact_name: A name for the contact person for this subaccount
        primary_contact_phone: A phone number to call for this subaccount
        settlement_schedule: ``Schedule.AUTO`` means payout is T+1 and manual means payout to the
            subaccount should only be made when requested.
            Defaults to ``Schedule.AUTO``
        metadata: Add a custom_fields attribute which has a list of dictionaries if you would
            like the fields to be added to your transaction when displayed on the
            dashboard. Sample: ``{"custom_fields":[{"display_name":"Cart ID",
            "variable_name": "cart_id","value": "8393"}]}``

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {
        "id_or_code": id_or_code,
        "business_name": business_name,
        "settlement_bank": settlement_bank,
    optional_params = [
        ("account_number", account_number),
        ("active", active),
        ("percentage_charge", percentage_charge),
        ("description", description),
        ("primary_contact_email", primary_contact_email),
        ("primary_contact_name", primary_contact_name),
        ("primary_contact_phone", primary_contact_phone),
        ("settlement_schedule", settlement_schedule),
        ("metadata", metadata),
    payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
    url = self._parse_url(f"/subaccount/{id_or_code}")
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.PUT, url, payload)