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Bases: BaseAsyncAPI

Provides a wrapper for paystack Plans API

The Plans API allows you to create and manage installment payment options on your integration.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
class AsyncPlan(BaseAsyncAPI):
    """Provides a wrapper for paystack Plans API

    The Plans API allows you to create and manage installment payment options on your integration.

    async def create(
        name: str,
        amount: int,
        interval: Interval,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
        invoice_limit: Optional[int] = None,
        send_invoices: bool = False,
        send_sms: bool = False,
    ) -> Response:
        """Create a plan on your integration

            name: Name of plan
            amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is ``Currency.NGN``, pesewas,
                if currency is ``Currency.GHS``, and cents, if currency is ``Currency.ZAR``
            interval: Any value from the ``Interval`` enum.
            description: A description for this plan
            currency: Currency in which amount is set. Any of the value from
                the ``Currency`` enum
            invoice_limit: Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan.
                Can be overridden by specifying an ``invoice_limit`` while subscribing
            send_invoices: Set to ``False`` if you don't want invoices to be sent to your customers
            send_sms: Set to ``False`` if you don't want text messages to be sent to your customers

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        interval = validate_interval(interval)
        amount = validate_amount(amount)

        url = self._parse_url("/plan/")

        payload = {
            "name": name,
            "amount": amount,
            "interval": interval,
        optional_params = [
            ("send_invoices", send_invoices),
            ("send_sms", send_sms),
            ("description", description),
            ("currency", currency),
            ("invoice_limit", invoice_limit),
        payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    async def get_plans(
        page: int = 1,
        pagination: int = 50,
        status: Optional[Status] = None,
        interval: Optional[Interval] = None,
        amount: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Response:
        """Fetch plans available on your integration.

            page: Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve.
                If not specified we use a default value of 1.
            pagination: Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page.
                If not specified we use a default value of 50.
            status: Filter list by plans with specified status
            interval: Filter list by plans with specified interval
            amount: Filter list by plans with specified amount ( kobo if currency
                is ``Currency.NGN``, pesewas, if currency is ``Currency.GHS``,
                and cents, if currency is ``Currency.ZAR``)

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        if amount:
            amount = validate_amount(amount)

        url = self._parse_url(f"/plan/?perPage={pagination}")
        query_params = [
            ("page", page),
            ("status", status),
            ("interval", interval),
            ("amount", amount),
        url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    async def get_plan(self, id_or_code: str) -> Response:
        """Get details of a plan on your integration.

            id_or_code: The plan ``ID`` or ``code`` you want to fetch

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.
        url = self._parse_url("/plan/{}/".format(id_or_code))
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    async def update(
        id_or_code: str,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        amount: Optional[int] = None,
        interval: Optional[Interval] = None,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
        invoice_limit: Optional[int] = None,
        send_invoices: bool = False,
        send_sms: bool = False,
    ) -> Response:

            id_or_code: Plan's ID or code
            name: Name of plan
            amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is
                ``Currency.NGN`` and pesewas for ``Currency.GHS``
            interval: Any value from the ``Interval`` enum.
            description: A description for this plan.
            currency: Any value from the ``Currency`` enum.
            invoice_limit: Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan.
                Can be overridden by specifying an ``invoice_limit`` while subscribing.
            send_invoices: Set to ``False`` if you don't want invoices
                to be sent to your customers
            send_sms: Set to ``False`` if you don't want text messages to
                be sent to your customers

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        interval = validate_interval(interval)
        amount = validate_amount(amount)

        url = self._parse_url("/plan/{}/".format(id_or_code))
        payload = {
            "name": name,
            "amount": amount,
            "interval": interval,

        optional_params = [
            ("send_invoices", send_invoices),
            ("send_sms", send_sms),
            ("description", description),
            ("currency", currency),
            ("invoice_limit", invoice_limit),
        payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.PUT, url, payload)

create(name, amount, interval, description=None, currency=None, invoice_limit=None, send_invoices=False, send_sms=False) async

Create a plan on your integration


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of plan

amount int

Amount should be in kobo if currency is Currency.NGN, pesewas, if currency is Currency.GHS, and cents, if currency is Currency.ZAR

interval Interval

Any value from the Interval enum.

description Optional[str]

A description for this plan

currency Optional[Currency]

Currency in which amount is set. Any of the value from the Currency enum

invoice_limit Optional[int]

Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan. Can be overridden by specifying an invoice_limit while subscribing

send_invoices bool

Set to False if you don't want invoices to be sent to your customers

send_sms bool

Set to False if you don't want text messages to be sent to your customers



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def create(
    name: str,
    amount: int,
    interval: Interval,
    description: Optional[str] = None,
    currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
    invoice_limit: Optional[int] = None,
    send_invoices: bool = False,
    send_sms: bool = False,
) -> Response:
    """Create a plan on your integration

        name: Name of plan
        amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is ``Currency.NGN``, pesewas,
            if currency is ``Currency.GHS``, and cents, if currency is ``Currency.ZAR``
        interval: Any value from the ``Interval`` enum.
        description: A description for this plan
        currency: Currency in which amount is set. Any of the value from
            the ``Currency`` enum
        invoice_limit: Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan.
            Can be overridden by specifying an ``invoice_limit`` while subscribing
        send_invoices: Set to ``False`` if you don't want invoices to be sent to your customers
        send_sms: Set to ``False`` if you don't want text messages to be sent to your customers

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    interval = validate_interval(interval)
    amount = validate_amount(amount)

    url = self._parse_url("/plan/")

    payload = {
        "name": name,
        "amount": amount,
        "interval": interval,
    optional_params = [
        ("send_invoices", send_invoices),
        ("send_sms", send_sms),
        ("description", description),
        ("currency", currency),
        ("invoice_limit", invoice_limit),
    payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

get_plan(id_or_code) async

Get details of a plan on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
id_or_code str

The plan ID or code you want to fetch



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def get_plan(self, id_or_code: str) -> Response:
    """Get details of a plan on your integration.

        id_or_code: The plan ``ID`` or ``code`` you want to fetch

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.
    url = self._parse_url("/plan/{}/".format(id_or_code))
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

get_plans(page=1, pagination=50, status=None, interval=None, amount=None) async

Fetch plans available on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
page int

Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve. If not specified we use a default value of 1.

pagination int

Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page. If not specified we use a default value of 50.

status Optional[Status]

Filter list by plans with specified status

interval Optional[Interval]

Filter list by plans with specified interval

amount Optional[int]

Filter list by plans with specified amount ( kobo if currency is Currency.NGN, pesewas, if currency is Currency.GHS, and cents, if currency is Currency.ZAR)



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def get_plans(
    page: int = 1,
    pagination: int = 50,
    status: Optional[Status] = None,
    interval: Optional[Interval] = None,
    amount: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Response:
    """Fetch plans available on your integration.

        page: Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve.
            If not specified we use a default value of 1.
        pagination: Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page.
            If not specified we use a default value of 50.
        status: Filter list by plans with specified status
        interval: Filter list by plans with specified interval
        amount: Filter list by plans with specified amount ( kobo if currency
            is ``Currency.NGN``, pesewas, if currency is ``Currency.GHS``,
            and cents, if currency is ``Currency.ZAR``)

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    if amount:
        amount = validate_amount(amount)

    url = self._parse_url(f"/plan/?perPage={pagination}")
    query_params = [
        ("page", page),
        ("status", status),
        ("interval", interval),
        ("amount", amount),
    url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

update(id_or_code, name=None, amount=None, interval=None, description=None, currency=None, invoice_limit=None, send_invoices=False, send_sms=False) async


Name Type Description Default
id_or_code str

Plan's ID or code

name Optional[str]

Name of plan

amount Optional[int]

Amount should be in kobo if currency is Currency.NGN and pesewas for Currency.GHS

interval Optional[Interval]

Any value from the Interval enum.

description Optional[str]

A description for this plan.

currency Optional[Currency]

Any value from the Currency enum.

invoice_limit Optional[int]

Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan. Can be overridden by specifying an invoice_limit while subscribing.

send_invoices bool

Set to False if you don't want invoices to be sent to your customers

send_sms bool

Set to False if you don't want text messages to be sent to your customers



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def update(
    id_or_code: str,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    amount: Optional[int] = None,
    interval: Optional[Interval] = None,
    description: Optional[str] = None,
    currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
    invoice_limit: Optional[int] = None,
    send_invoices: bool = False,
    send_sms: bool = False,
) -> Response:

        id_or_code: Plan's ID or code
        name: Name of plan
        amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is
            ``Currency.NGN`` and pesewas for ``Currency.GHS``
        interval: Any value from the ``Interval`` enum.
        description: A description for this plan.
        currency: Any value from the ``Currency`` enum.
        invoice_limit: Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan.
            Can be overridden by specifying an ``invoice_limit`` while subscribing.
        send_invoices: Set to ``False`` if you don't want invoices
            to be sent to your customers
        send_sms: Set to ``False`` if you don't want text messages to
            be sent to your customers

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    interval = validate_interval(interval)
    amount = validate_amount(amount)

    url = self._parse_url("/plan/{}/".format(id_or_code))
    payload = {
        "name": name,
        "amount": amount,
        "interval": interval,

    optional_params = [
        ("send_invoices", send_invoices),
        ("send_sms", send_sms),
        ("description", description),
        ("currency", currency),
        ("invoice_limit", invoice_limit),
    payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.PUT, url, payload)


Bases: BaseAPI

Provides a wrapper for paystack Plans API

The Plans API allows you to create and manage installment payment options on your integration.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
class Plan(BaseAPI):
    """Provides a wrapper for paystack Plans API

    The Plans API allows you to create and manage installment payment options on your integration.

    def create(
        name: str,
        amount: int,
        interval: Interval,
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
        invoice_limit: Optional[int] = None,
        send_invoices: bool = False,
        send_sms: bool = False,
    ) -> Response:
        """Create a plan on your integration

            name: Name of plan
            amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is ``Currency.NGN``, pesewas,
                if currency is ``Currency.GHS``, and cents, if currency is ``Currency.ZAR``
            interval: Any value from the ``Interval`` enum.
            description: A description for this plan
            currency: Currency in which amount is set. Any of the value from
                the ``Currency`` enum
            invoice_limit: Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan.
                Can be overridden by specifying an ``invoice_limit`` while subscribing
            send_invoices: Set to ``False`` if you don't want invoices to be sent to your customers
            send_sms: Set to ``False`` if you don't want text messages to be sent to your customers

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        interval = validate_interval(interval)
        amount = validate_amount(amount)

        url = self._parse_url("/plan/")

        payload = {
            "name": name,
            "amount": amount,
            "interval": interval,
        optional_params = [
            ("send_invoices", send_invoices),
            ("send_sms", send_sms),
            ("description", description),
            ("currency", currency),
            ("invoice_limit", invoice_limit),
        payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    def get_plans(
        page: int = 1,
        pagination: int = 50,
        status: Optional[Status] = None,
        interval: Optional[Interval] = None,
        amount: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Response:
        """Fetch plans available on your integration.

            page: Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve.
                If not specified, we use a default value of 1.
            pagination: Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page.
                If not specified, we use a default value of 50.
            status: Filter list by plans with specified status
            interval: Filter list by plans with specified interval
            amount: Filter list by plans with specified amount ( kobo if currency
                is ``Currency.NGN``, pesewas, if currency is ``Currency.GHS``,
                and cents, if currency is ``Currency.ZAR``)

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        if amount:
            amount = validate_amount(amount)

        url = self._parse_url(f"/plan/?perPage={pagination}")
        query_params = [
            ("page", page),
            ("status", status),
            ("interval", interval),
            ("amount", amount),
        url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    def get_plan(self, id_or_code: str) -> Response:
        """Get details of a plan on your integration.

            id_or_code: The plan ``ID`` or ``code`` you want to fetch

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.
        url = self._parse_url("/plan/{}/".format(id_or_code))
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    def update(
        id_or_code: str,
        name: Optional[str],
        amount: Optional[int],
        interval: Optional[Interval],
        description: Optional[str] = None,
        currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
        invoice_limit: Optional[int] = None,
        send_invoices: bool = False,
        send_sms: bool = False,
    ) -> Response:

            id_or_code: Plan's ID or code
            name: Name of plan
            amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is
                ``Currency.NGN`` and pesewas for ``Currency.GHS``
            interval: Any value from the ``Interval`` enum.
            description: A description for this plan.
            currency: Any value from the ``Currency`` enum.
            invoice_limit: Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan.
                Can be overridden by specifying an ``invoice_limit`` while subscribing.
            send_invoices: Set to ``False`` if you don't want invoices
                to be sent to your customers
            send_sms: Set to ``False`` if you don't want text messages to
                be sent to your customers

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        interval = validate_interval(interval)
        amount = validate_amount(amount)

        url = self._parse_url("/plan/{}/".format(id_or_code))
        payload = {
            "name": name,
            "amount": amount,
            "interval": interval,

        optional_params = [
            ("send_invoices", send_invoices),
            ("send_sms", send_sms),
            ("description", description),
            ("currency", currency),
            ("invoice_limit", invoice_limit),
        payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.PUT, url, payload)

create(name, amount, interval, description=None, currency=None, invoice_limit=None, send_invoices=False, send_sms=False)

Create a plan on your integration


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of plan

amount int

Amount should be in kobo if currency is Currency.NGN, pesewas, if currency is Currency.GHS, and cents, if currency is Currency.ZAR

interval Interval

Any value from the Interval enum.

description Optional[str]

A description for this plan

currency Optional[Currency]

Currency in which amount is set. Any of the value from the Currency enum

invoice_limit Optional[int]

Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan. Can be overridden by specifying an invoice_limit while subscribing

send_invoices bool

Set to False if you don't want invoices to be sent to your customers

send_sms bool

Set to False if you don't want text messages to be sent to your customers



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def create(
    name: str,
    amount: int,
    interval: Interval,
    description: Optional[str] = None,
    currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
    invoice_limit: Optional[int] = None,
    send_invoices: bool = False,
    send_sms: bool = False,
) -> Response:
    """Create a plan on your integration

        name: Name of plan
        amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is ``Currency.NGN``, pesewas,
            if currency is ``Currency.GHS``, and cents, if currency is ``Currency.ZAR``
        interval: Any value from the ``Interval`` enum.
        description: A description for this plan
        currency: Currency in which amount is set. Any of the value from
            the ``Currency`` enum
        invoice_limit: Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan.
            Can be overridden by specifying an ``invoice_limit`` while subscribing
        send_invoices: Set to ``False`` if you don't want invoices to be sent to your customers
        send_sms: Set to ``False`` if you don't want text messages to be sent to your customers

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    interval = validate_interval(interval)
    amount = validate_amount(amount)

    url = self._parse_url("/plan/")

    payload = {
        "name": name,
        "amount": amount,
        "interval": interval,
    optional_params = [
        ("send_invoices", send_invoices),
        ("send_sms", send_sms),
        ("description", description),
        ("currency", currency),
        ("invoice_limit", invoice_limit),
    payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)


Get details of a plan on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
id_or_code str

The plan ID or code you want to fetch



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def get_plan(self, id_or_code: str) -> Response:
    """Get details of a plan on your integration.

        id_or_code: The plan ``ID`` or ``code`` you want to fetch

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.
    url = self._parse_url("/plan/{}/".format(id_or_code))
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

get_plans(page=1, pagination=50, status=None, interval=None, amount=None)

Fetch plans available on your integration.


Name Type Description Default
page int

Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve. If not specified, we use a default value of 1.

pagination int

Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page. If not specified, we use a default value of 50.

status Optional[Status]

Filter list by plans with specified status

interval Optional[Interval]

Filter list by plans with specified interval

amount Optional[int]

Filter list by plans with specified amount ( kobo if currency is Currency.NGN, pesewas, if currency is Currency.GHS, and cents, if currency is Currency.ZAR)



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def get_plans(
    page: int = 1,
    pagination: int = 50,
    status: Optional[Status] = None,
    interval: Optional[Interval] = None,
    amount: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Response:
    """Fetch plans available on your integration.

        page: Specifies exactly what page you want to retrieve.
            If not specified, we use a default value of 1.
        pagination: Specifies how many records you want to retrieve per page.
            If not specified, we use a default value of 50.
        status: Filter list by plans with specified status
        interval: Filter list by plans with specified interval
        amount: Filter list by plans with specified amount ( kobo if currency
            is ``Currency.NGN``, pesewas, if currency is ``Currency.GHS``,
            and cents, if currency is ``Currency.ZAR``)

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    if amount:
        amount = validate_amount(amount)

    url = self._parse_url(f"/plan/?perPage={pagination}")
    query_params = [
        ("page", page),
        ("status", status),
        ("interval", interval),
        ("amount", amount),
    url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

update(id_or_code, name, amount, interval, description=None, currency=None, invoice_limit=None, send_invoices=False, send_sms=False)


Name Type Description Default
id_or_code str

Plan's ID or code

name Optional[str]

Name of plan

amount Optional[int]

Amount should be in kobo if currency is Currency.NGN and pesewas for Currency.GHS

interval Optional[Interval]

Any value from the Interval enum.

description Optional[str]

A description for this plan.

currency Optional[Currency]

Any value from the Currency enum.

invoice_limit Optional[int]

Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan. Can be overridden by specifying an invoice_limit while subscribing.

send_invoices bool

Set to False if you don't want invoices to be sent to your customers

send_sms bool

Set to False if you don't want text messages to be sent to your customers



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def update(
    id_or_code: str,
    name: Optional[str],
    amount: Optional[int],
    interval: Optional[Interval],
    description: Optional[str] = None,
    currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
    invoice_limit: Optional[int] = None,
    send_invoices: bool = False,
    send_sms: bool = False,
) -> Response:

        id_or_code: Plan's ID or code
        name: Name of plan
        amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is
            ``Currency.NGN`` and pesewas for ``Currency.GHS``
        interval: Any value from the ``Interval`` enum.
        description: A description for this plan.
        currency: Any value from the ``Currency`` enum.
        invoice_limit: Number of invoices to raise during subscription to this plan.
            Can be overridden by specifying an ``invoice_limit`` while subscribing.
        send_invoices: Set to ``False`` if you don't want invoices
            to be sent to your customers
        send_sms: Set to ``False`` if you don't want text messages to
            be sent to your customers

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    interval = validate_interval(interval)
    amount = validate_amount(amount)

    url = self._parse_url("/plan/{}/".format(id_or_code))
    payload = {
        "name": name,
        "amount": amount,
        "interval": interval,

    optional_params = [
        ("send_invoices", send_invoices),
        ("send_sms", send_sms),
        ("description", description),
        ("currency", currency),
        ("invoice_limit", invoice_limit),
    payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.PUT, url, payload)