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Bases: BaseAsyncAPI

Provides a wrapper for paystack Miscellaneous API

The Miscellaneous API are supporting APIs that can be used to provide more details to other APIs.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
class AsyncMiscellaneous(BaseAsyncAPI):
    """Provides a wrapper for paystack Miscellaneous API

    The Miscellaneous API are supporting APIs that can be used to provide more details to other APIs.

    async def get_banks(
        country: Country,
        use_cursor: bool = False,
        next: Optional[str] = None,
        previous: Optional[str] = None,
        gateway: Optional[Gateway] = None,
        type: Optional[BankType] = None,
        currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
        pay_with_bank_transfer: Optional[bool] = None,
        pay_with_bank: Optional[bool] = None,
        pagination: int = 50,
    ) -> Response:
        """Get a list of all supported banks and their properties

            country: The country from which to obtain the list of supported banks. any value from the ``Country`` enum.
            use_cursor: Flag to enable cursor pagination.
            next: A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It can be used to fetch the next page of the list
            previous: A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It should be used
                to fetch the previous page of the list after an intial next request
            gateway: The gateway type of the bank. Any value from the ``Gateway`` enum.
            type: Type of financial channel. For Ghanaian channels, please use either
                mobile_money for mobile money channels OR ghipps for bank channels
            currency: Any value from the Currency enum.
            pay_with_bank_transfer: A flag to filter for available banks a customer can make a transfer to
                complete a payment
            pay_with_bank: A flag to filter for banks a customer can pay directly from
            pagination: The number of objects to return per page. Defaults to 50, and limited to 100 records per page.

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        country = Country.get_full(country)
        url = self._parse_url(f"/bank?perPage={pagination}")
        query_params = [
            ("country", country),
            ("use_cursor", use_cursor),
            ("next", next),
            ("previous", previous),
            ("gateway", gateway),
            ("type", type),
            ("currency", currency),
            ("pay_with_bank_transfer", pay_with_bank_transfer),
            ("pay_with_bank", pay_with_bank),
        url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    async def get_countries(self) -> Response:
        """Gets a list of Countries that Paystack currently supports

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        url = self._parse_url("/country")
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    async def get_states(self, country: Country) -> Response:
        """Get a list of states for a country for address verification.

            country: Any value from the country enum.

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        url = self._parse_url(f"/address_verification/states?country={country}")
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

get_banks(country, use_cursor=False, next=None, previous=None, gateway=None, type=None, currency=None, pay_with_bank_transfer=None, pay_with_bank=None, pagination=50) async

Get a list of all supported banks and their properties


Name Type Description Default
country Country

The country from which to obtain the list of supported banks. any value from the Country enum.

use_cursor bool

Flag to enable cursor pagination.

next Optional[str]

A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It can be used to fetch the next page of the list

previous Optional[str]

A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It should be used to fetch the previous page of the list after an intial next request

gateway Optional[Gateway]

The gateway type of the bank. Any value from the Gateway enum.

type Optional[BankType]

Type of financial channel. For Ghanaian channels, please use either mobile_money for mobile money channels OR ghipps for bank channels

currency Optional[Currency]

Any value from the Currency enum.

pay_with_bank_transfer Optional[bool]

A flag to filter for available banks a customer can make a transfer to complete a payment

pay_with_bank Optional[bool]

A flag to filter for banks a customer can pay directly from

pagination int

The number of objects to return per page. Defaults to 50, and limited to 100 records per page.



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def get_banks(
    country: Country,
    use_cursor: bool = False,
    next: Optional[str] = None,
    previous: Optional[str] = None,
    gateway: Optional[Gateway] = None,
    type: Optional[BankType] = None,
    currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
    pay_with_bank_transfer: Optional[bool] = None,
    pay_with_bank: Optional[bool] = None,
    pagination: int = 50,
) -> Response:
    """Get a list of all supported banks and their properties

        country: The country from which to obtain the list of supported banks. any value from the ``Country`` enum.
        use_cursor: Flag to enable cursor pagination.
        next: A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It can be used to fetch the next page of the list
        previous: A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It should be used
            to fetch the previous page of the list after an intial next request
        gateway: The gateway type of the bank. Any value from the ``Gateway`` enum.
        type: Type of financial channel. For Ghanaian channels, please use either
            mobile_money for mobile money channels OR ghipps for bank channels
        currency: Any value from the Currency enum.
        pay_with_bank_transfer: A flag to filter for available banks a customer can make a transfer to
            complete a payment
        pay_with_bank: A flag to filter for banks a customer can pay directly from
        pagination: The number of objects to return per page. Defaults to 50, and limited to 100 records per page.

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    country = Country.get_full(country)
    url = self._parse_url(f"/bank?perPage={pagination}")
    query_params = [
        ("country", country),
        ("use_cursor", use_cursor),
        ("next", next),
        ("previous", previous),
        ("gateway", gateway),
        ("type", type),
        ("currency", currency),
        ("pay_with_bank_transfer", pay_with_bank_transfer),
        ("pay_with_bank", pay_with_bank),
    url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

get_countries() async

Gets a list of Countries that Paystack currently supports


Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def get_countries(self) -> Response:
    """Gets a list of Countries that Paystack currently supports

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    url = self._parse_url("/country")
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

get_states(country) async

Get a list of states for a country for address verification.


Name Type Description Default
country Country

Any value from the country enum.



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def get_states(self, country: Country) -> Response:
    """Get a list of states for a country for address verification.

        country: Any value from the country enum.

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    url = self._parse_url(f"/address_verification/states?country={country}")
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)


Bases: BaseAPI

Provides a wrapper for paystack Miscellaneous API

The Miscellaneous API are supporting APIs that can be used to provide more details to other APIs.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
class Miscellaneous(BaseAPI):
    """Provides a wrapper for paystack Miscellaneous API

    The Miscellaneous API are supporting APIs that can be used to provide more details to other APIs.

    def get_banks(
        country: Country,
        use_cursor: bool = False,
        next: Optional[str] = None,
        previous: Optional[str] = None,
        gateway: Optional[Gateway] = None,
        type: Optional[BankType] = None,
        currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
        pay_with_bank_transfer: Optional[bool] = None,
        pay_with_bank: Optional[bool] = None,
        pagination: int = 50,
    ) -> Response:
        """Get a list of all supported banks and their properties

            country: The country from which to obtain the list of supported banks. any value from the ``Country`` enum.
            use_cursor: Flag to enable cursor pagination.
            next: A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It can be used to fetch the next page of the list
            previous: A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It should be used
                to fetch the previous page of the list after an intial next request
            gateway: The gateway type of the bank. Any value from the ``Gateway`` enum.
            type: Type of financial channel. For Ghanaian channels, please use either
                mobile_money for mobile money channels OR ghipps for bank channels
            currency: Any value from the Currency enum.
            pay_with_bank_transfer: A flag to filter for available banks a customer can make a transfer to
                complete a payment
            pay_with_bank: A flag to filter for banks a customer can pay directly from
            pagination: The number of objects to return per page. Defaults to 50, and limited to 100 records per page.

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        country = Country.get_full(country)
        url = self._parse_url(f"/bank?perPage={pagination}")
        query_params = [
            ("country", country),
            ("use_cursor", use_cursor),
            ("next", next),
            ("previous", previous),
            ("gateway", gateway),
            ("type", type),
            ("currency", currency),
            ("pay_with_bank_transfer", pay_with_bank_transfer),
            ("pay_with_bank", pay_with_bank),
        url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    def get_countries(self) -> Response:
        """Gets a list of Countries that Paystack currently supports

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        url = self._parse_url("/country")
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

    def get_states(self, country: Country) -> Response:
        """Get a list of states for a country for address verification.

            country: Any value from the country enum.

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        url = self._parse_url(f"/address_verification/states?country={country}")
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

get_banks(country, use_cursor=False, next=None, previous=None, gateway=None, type=None, currency=None, pay_with_bank_transfer=None, pay_with_bank=None, pagination=50)

Get a list of all supported banks and their properties


Name Type Description Default
country Country

The country from which to obtain the list of supported banks. any value from the Country enum.

use_cursor bool

Flag to enable cursor pagination.

next Optional[str]

A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It can be used to fetch the next page of the list

previous Optional[str]

A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It should be used to fetch the previous page of the list after an intial next request

gateway Optional[Gateway]

The gateway type of the bank. Any value from the Gateway enum.

type Optional[BankType]

Type of financial channel. For Ghanaian channels, please use either mobile_money for mobile money channels OR ghipps for bank channels

currency Optional[Currency]

Any value from the Currency enum.

pay_with_bank_transfer Optional[bool]

A flag to filter for available banks a customer can make a transfer to complete a payment

pay_with_bank Optional[bool]

A flag to filter for banks a customer can pay directly from

pagination int

The number of objects to return per page. Defaults to 50, and limited to 100 records per page.



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def get_banks(
    country: Country,
    use_cursor: bool = False,
    next: Optional[str] = None,
    previous: Optional[str] = None,
    gateway: Optional[Gateway] = None,
    type: Optional[BankType] = None,
    currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
    pay_with_bank_transfer: Optional[bool] = None,
    pay_with_bank: Optional[bool] = None,
    pagination: int = 50,
) -> Response:
    """Get a list of all supported banks and their properties

        country: The country from which to obtain the list of supported banks. any value from the ``Country`` enum.
        use_cursor: Flag to enable cursor pagination.
        next: A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It can be used to fetch the next page of the list
        previous: A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It should be used
            to fetch the previous page of the list after an intial next request
        gateway: The gateway type of the bank. Any value from the ``Gateway`` enum.
        type: Type of financial channel. For Ghanaian channels, please use either
            mobile_money for mobile money channels OR ghipps for bank channels
        currency: Any value from the Currency enum.
        pay_with_bank_transfer: A flag to filter for available banks a customer can make a transfer to
            complete a payment
        pay_with_bank: A flag to filter for banks a customer can pay directly from
        pagination: The number of objects to return per page. Defaults to 50, and limited to 100 records per page.

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    country = Country.get_full(country)
    url = self._parse_url(f"/bank?perPage={pagination}")
    query_params = [
        ("country", country),
        ("use_cursor", use_cursor),
        ("next", next),
        ("previous", previous),
        ("gateway", gateway),
        ("type", type),
        ("currency", currency),
        ("pay_with_bank_transfer", pay_with_bank_transfer),
        ("pay_with_bank", pay_with_bank),
    url = append_query_params(query_params, url)
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)


Gets a list of Countries that Paystack currently supports


Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def get_countries(self) -> Response:
    """Gets a list of Countries that Paystack currently supports

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    url = self._parse_url("/country")
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)


Get a list of states for a country for address verification.


Name Type Description Default
country Country

Any value from the country enum.



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def get_states(self, country: Country) -> Response:
    """Get a list of states for a country for address verification.

        country: Any value from the country enum.

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    url = self._parse_url(f"/address_verification/states?country={country}")
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)