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Bases: BaseAsyncAPI

Provides a wrapper for paystack Charge API

The Charge API allows you to configure a payment channel of your choice when initiating a payment.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
class AsyncCharge(BaseAsyncAPI):
    """Provides a wrapper for paystack Charge API

    The Charge API allows you to configure a payment channel of your choice when initiating a payment.


    async def charge(
        email: str,
        amount: int,
        bank: Optional[dict] = None,
        bank_transfer: Optional[dict] = None,
        auth_code: Optional[str] = None,
        pin: Optional[str] = None,
        metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
        reference: Optional[str] = None,
        ussd: Optional[dict] = None,
        mobile_money: Optional[dict] = None,
        device_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Response:
        """Initiate a payment by integrating the payment channel of your choice.

            email: Customer's email address
            amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is NGN, pesewas, if currency is GHS,
                and cents, if currency is ZAR
            bank: Bank account to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code)
            bank_transfer: Takes the settings for the Pay with Transfer (PwT) channel. Pass in the
                account_expires_at param to set the expiry time.
            auth_code: An authorization code to charge (don't send if charging a bank account)
            pin: 4-digit PIN (send with a non-reusable authorization code)
            metadata: A dictionary of data.
            reference: Unique transaction reference. Only -, .\\`, = and alphanumeric characters allowed.
            ussd: USSD type to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)
            mobile_money: Mobile details (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)
            device_id: This is the unique identifier of the device a user uses in making payment. Only -, .\\`,
                = and alphanumeric characters allowed.

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        amount = validate_amount(amount)
        payload = {"email": email, "amount": amount}
        optional_params = [
            ("bank", bank),
            ("bank_transfer", bank_transfer),
            ("authorization_code", auth_code),
            ("pin", pin),
            ("metadata", metadata),
            ("reference", reference),
            ("ussd", ussd),
            ("mobile_money", mobile_money),
            ("device_id", device_id),
        payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
        url = self._parse_url("/charge")
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    async def submit_pin(self, pin: str, reference: str) -> Response:
        """Submit PIN to continue a charge

            pin: PIN submitted by user
            reference: Reference for transaction that requested pin

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {"pin": pin, "reference": reference}
        url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_pin")
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    async def submit_otp(self, otp: str, reference: str) -> Response:
        """Submit OTP to complete a charge

            otp: OTP submitted by user
            reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {"otp": otp, "reference": reference}
        url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_otp")
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    async def submit_phone(self, phone: str, reference: str) -> Response:
        """Submit Phone when requested

            phone: Phone submitted by user
            reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {"phone": phone, "reference": reference}
        url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_phone")
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    async def submit_birthday(self, birthday: str, reference: str) -> Response:
        """Submit Birthday when requested

            birthday: Birthday submitted by user. ISO Format e.g. 2016-09-21
            reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {"birthday": birthday, "reference": reference}
        url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_birthday")
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    async def set_address(
        address: str,
        reference: str,
        city: str,
        state: str,
        zipcode: str,
    ) -> Response:
        """Submit address to continue a charge

            address: Address submitted by user
            reference: Reference for ongoing transaction
            city: City submitted by user
            state: State submitted by user
            zipcode: sZipcode submitted by user

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {
            "address": address,
            "reference": reference,
            "city": city,
            "state": state,
            "zip_code": zipcode,
        url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_address")
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    async def check_pending_charge(self, reference: str) -> Response:
        When you get "pending" as a charge status or if there was an
        exception when calling any of the /charge endpoints, wait 10
        seconds or more, then make a check to see if its status has changed.
        Don't call too early as you may get a lot more pending than you should.

            reference: The reference to check

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        url = self._parse_url(f"/charge/{reference}")
        return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

charge(email, amount, bank=None, bank_transfer=None, auth_code=None, pin=None, metadata=None, reference=None, ussd=None, mobile_money=None, device_id=None) async

Initiate a payment by integrating the payment channel of your choice.


Name Type Description Default
email str

Customer's email address

amount int

Amount should be in kobo if currency is NGN, pesewas, if currency is GHS, and cents, if currency is ZAR

bank Optional[dict]

Bank account to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code)

bank_transfer Optional[dict]

Takes the settings for the Pay with Transfer (PwT) channel. Pass in the account_expires_at param to set the expiry time.

auth_code Optional[str]

An authorization code to charge (don't send if charging a bank account)

pin Optional[str]

4-digit PIN (send with a non-reusable authorization code)

metadata Optional[dict]

A dictionary of data.

reference Optional[str]

Unique transaction reference. Only -, .`, = and alphanumeric characters allowed.

ussd Optional[dict]

USSD type to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)

mobile_money Optional[dict]

Mobile details (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)

device_id Optional[str]

This is the unique identifier of the device a user uses in making payment. Only -, .`, = and alphanumeric characters allowed.



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def charge(
    email: str,
    amount: int,
    bank: Optional[dict] = None,
    bank_transfer: Optional[dict] = None,
    auth_code: Optional[str] = None,
    pin: Optional[str] = None,
    metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
    reference: Optional[str] = None,
    ussd: Optional[dict] = None,
    mobile_money: Optional[dict] = None,
    device_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Response:
    """Initiate a payment by integrating the payment channel of your choice.

        email: Customer's email address
        amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is NGN, pesewas, if currency is GHS,
            and cents, if currency is ZAR
        bank: Bank account to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code)
        bank_transfer: Takes the settings for the Pay with Transfer (PwT) channel. Pass in the
            account_expires_at param to set the expiry time.
        auth_code: An authorization code to charge (don't send if charging a bank account)
        pin: 4-digit PIN (send with a non-reusable authorization code)
        metadata: A dictionary of data.
        reference: Unique transaction reference. Only -, .\\`, = and alphanumeric characters allowed.
        ussd: USSD type to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)
        mobile_money: Mobile details (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)
        device_id: This is the unique identifier of the device a user uses in making payment. Only -, .\\`,
            = and alphanumeric characters allowed.

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    amount = validate_amount(amount)
    payload = {"email": email, "amount": amount}
    optional_params = [
        ("bank", bank),
        ("bank_transfer", bank_transfer),
        ("authorization_code", auth_code),
        ("pin", pin),
        ("metadata", metadata),
        ("reference", reference),
        ("ussd", ussd),
        ("mobile_money", mobile_money),
        ("device_id", device_id),
    payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
    url = self._parse_url("/charge")
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

check_pending_charge(reference) async

When you get "pending" as a charge status or if there was an exception when calling any of the /charge endpoints, wait 10 seconds or more, then make a check to see if its status has changed. Don't call too early as you may get a lot more pending than you should.


Name Type Description Default
reference str

The reference to check



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def check_pending_charge(self, reference: str) -> Response:
    When you get "pending" as a charge status or if there was an
    exception when calling any of the /charge endpoints, wait 10
    seconds or more, then make a check to see if its status has changed.
    Don't call too early as you may get a lot more pending than you should.

        reference: The reference to check

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    url = self._parse_url(f"/charge/{reference}")
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

set_address(address, reference, city, state, zipcode) async

Submit address to continue a charge


Name Type Description Default
address str

Address submitted by user

reference str

Reference for ongoing transaction

city str

City submitted by user

state str

State submitted by user

zipcode str

sZipcode submitted by user



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def set_address(
    address: str,
    reference: str,
    city: str,
    state: str,
    zipcode: str,
) -> Response:
    """Submit address to continue a charge

        address: Address submitted by user
        reference: Reference for ongoing transaction
        city: City submitted by user
        state: State submitted by user
        zipcode: sZipcode submitted by user

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {
        "address": address,
        "reference": reference,
        "city": city,
        "state": state,
        "zip_code": zipcode,
    url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_address")
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

submit_birthday(birthday, reference) async

Submit Birthday when requested


Name Type Description Default
birthday str

Birthday submitted by user. ISO Format e.g. 2016-09-21

reference str

Reference for ongoing transaction



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def submit_birthday(self, birthday: str, reference: str) -> Response:
    """Submit Birthday when requested

        birthday: Birthday submitted by user. ISO Format e.g. 2016-09-21
        reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {"birthday": birthday, "reference": reference}
    url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_birthday")
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

submit_otp(otp, reference) async

Submit OTP to complete a charge


Name Type Description Default
otp str

OTP submitted by user

reference str

Reference for ongoing transaction



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def submit_otp(self, otp: str, reference: str) -> Response:
    """Submit OTP to complete a charge

        otp: OTP submitted by user
        reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {"otp": otp, "reference": reference}
    url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_otp")
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

submit_phone(phone, reference) async

Submit Phone when requested


Name Type Description Default
phone str

Phone submitted by user

reference str

Reference for ongoing transaction



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def submit_phone(self, phone: str, reference: str) -> Response:
    """Submit Phone when requested

        phone: Phone submitted by user
        reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {"phone": phone, "reference": reference}
    url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_phone")
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

submit_pin(pin, reference) async

Submit PIN to continue a charge


Name Type Description Default
pin str

PIN submitted by user

reference str

Reference for transaction that requested pin



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
async def submit_pin(self, pin: str, reference: str) -> Response:
    """Submit PIN to continue a charge

        pin: PIN submitted by user
        reference: Reference for transaction that requested pin

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {"pin": pin, "reference": reference}
    url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_pin")
    return await self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)


Bases: BaseAPI

Provides a wrapper for paystack Charge API

The Charge API allows you to configure a payment channel of your choice when initiating a payment.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
class Charge(BaseAPI):
    """Provides a wrapper for paystack Charge API

    The Charge API allows you to configure a payment channel of your choice when initiating a payment.


    def charge(
        email: str,
        amount: int,
        bank: Optional[dict] = None,
        bank_transfer: Optional[dict] = None,
        auth_code: Optional[str] = None,
        pin: Optional[str] = None,
        metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
        reference: Optional[str] = None,
        ussd: Optional[dict] = None,
        mobile_money: Optional[dict] = None,
        device_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Response:
        """Initiate a payment by integrating the payment channel of your choice.

            email: Customer's email address
            amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is NGN, pesewas, if currency is GHS,
                and cents, if currency is ZAR
            bank: Bank account to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code)
            bank_transfer: Takes the settings for the Pay with Transfer (PwT) channel. Pass in the
                account_expires_at param to set the expiry time.
            auth_code: An authorization code to charge (don't send if charging a bank account)
            pin: 4-digit PIN (send with a non-reusable authorization code)
            metadata: A dictionary of data.
            reference: Unique transaction reference. Only -, .\\`, = and alphanumeric characters allowed.
            ussd: USSD type to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)
            mobile_money: Mobile details (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)
            device_id: This is the unique identifier of the device a user uses in making payment. Only -, .\\`,
                = and alphanumeric characters allowed.

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        amount = validate_amount(amount)
        payload = {"email": email, "amount": amount}
        optional_params = [
            ("bank", bank),
            ("bank_transfer", bank_transfer),
            ("authorization_code", auth_code),
            ("pin", pin),
            ("metadata", metadata),
            ("reference", reference),
            ("ussd", ussd),
            ("mobile_money", mobile_money),
            ("device_id", device_id),
        payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
        url = self._parse_url("/charge")
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    def submit_pin(self, pin: str, reference: str) -> Response:
        """Submit PIN to continue a charge

            pin: PIN submitted by user
            reference: Reference for transaction that requested pin

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {"pin": pin, "reference": reference}
        url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_pin")
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    def submit_otp(self, otp: str, reference: str) -> Response:
        """Submit OTP to complete a charge

            otp: OTP submitted by user
            reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {"otp": otp, "reference": reference}
        url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_otp")
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    def submit_phone(self, phone: str, reference: str) -> Response:
        """Submit Phone when requested

            phone: Phone submitted by user
            reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {"phone": phone, "reference": reference}
        url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_phone")
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    def submit_birthday(self, birthday: str, reference: str) -> Response:
        """Submit Birthday when requested

            birthday: Birthday submitted by user. ISO Format e.g. 2016-09-21
            reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {"birthday": birthday, "reference": reference}
        url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_birthday")
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    def set_address(
        address: str,
        reference: str,
        city: str,
        state: str,
        zipcode: str,
    ) -> Response:
        """Submit address to continue a charge

            address: Address submitted by user
            reference: Reference for ongoing transaction
            city: City submitted by user
            state: State submitted by user
            zipcode: sZipcode submitted by user

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        payload = {
            "address": address,
            "reference": reference,
            "city": city,
            "state": state,
            "zip_code": zipcode,
        url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_address")
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

    def check_pending_charge(self, reference: str) -> Response:
        When you get "pending" as a charge status or if there was an
        exception when calling any of the /charge endpoints, wait 10
        seconds or more, then make a check to see if its status has changed.
        Don't call too early as you may get a lot more pending than you should.

            reference: The reference to check

            A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

        url = self._parse_url(f"/charge/{reference}")
        return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

charge(email, amount, bank=None, bank_transfer=None, auth_code=None, pin=None, metadata=None, reference=None, ussd=None, mobile_money=None, device_id=None)

Initiate a payment by integrating the payment channel of your choice.


Name Type Description Default
email str

Customer's email address

amount int

Amount should be in kobo if currency is NGN, pesewas, if currency is GHS, and cents, if currency is ZAR

bank Optional[dict]

Bank account to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code)

bank_transfer Optional[dict]

Takes the settings for the Pay with Transfer (PwT) channel. Pass in the account_expires_at param to set the expiry time.

auth_code Optional[str]

An authorization code to charge (don't send if charging a bank account)

pin Optional[str]

4-digit PIN (send with a non-reusable authorization code)

metadata Optional[dict]

A dictionary of data.

reference Optional[str]

Unique transaction reference. Only -, .`, = and alphanumeric characters allowed.

ussd Optional[dict]

USSD type to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)

mobile_money Optional[dict]

Mobile details (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)

device_id Optional[str]

This is the unique identifier of the device a user uses in making payment. Only -, .`, = and alphanumeric characters allowed.



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def charge(
    email: str,
    amount: int,
    bank: Optional[dict] = None,
    bank_transfer: Optional[dict] = None,
    auth_code: Optional[str] = None,
    pin: Optional[str] = None,
    metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
    reference: Optional[str] = None,
    ussd: Optional[dict] = None,
    mobile_money: Optional[dict] = None,
    device_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Response:
    """Initiate a payment by integrating the payment channel of your choice.

        email: Customer's email address
        amount: Amount should be in kobo if currency is NGN, pesewas, if currency is GHS,
            and cents, if currency is ZAR
        bank: Bank account to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code)
        bank_transfer: Takes the settings for the Pay with Transfer (PwT) channel. Pass in the
            account_expires_at param to set the expiry time.
        auth_code: An authorization code to charge (don't send if charging a bank account)
        pin: 4-digit PIN (send with a non-reusable authorization code)
        metadata: A dictionary of data.
        reference: Unique transaction reference. Only -, .\\`, = and alphanumeric characters allowed.
        ussd: USSD type to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)
        mobile_money: Mobile details (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card)
        device_id: This is the unique identifier of the device a user uses in making payment. Only -, .\\`,
            = and alphanumeric characters allowed.

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    amount = validate_amount(amount)
    payload = {"email": email, "amount": amount}
    optional_params = [
        ("bank", bank),
        ("bank_transfer", bank_transfer),
        ("authorization_code", auth_code),
        ("pin", pin),
        ("metadata", metadata),
        ("reference", reference),
        ("ussd", ussd),
        ("mobile_money", mobile_money),
        ("device_id", device_id),
    payload = add_to_payload(optional_params, payload)
    url = self._parse_url("/charge")
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)


When you get "pending" as a charge status or if there was an exception when calling any of the /charge endpoints, wait 10 seconds or more, then make a check to see if its status has changed. Don't call too early as you may get a lot more pending than you should.


Name Type Description Default
reference str

The reference to check



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def check_pending_charge(self, reference: str) -> Response:
    When you get "pending" as a charge status or if there was an
    exception when calling any of the /charge endpoints, wait 10
    seconds or more, then make a check to see if its status has changed.
    Don't call too early as you may get a lot more pending than you should.

        reference: The reference to check

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    url = self._parse_url(f"/charge/{reference}")
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.GET, url)

set_address(address, reference, city, state, zipcode)

Submit address to continue a charge


Name Type Description Default
address str

Address submitted by user

reference str

Reference for ongoing transaction

city str

City submitted by user

state str

State submitted by user

zipcode str

sZipcode submitted by user



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def set_address(
    address: str,
    reference: str,
    city: str,
    state: str,
    zipcode: str,
) -> Response:
    """Submit address to continue a charge

        address: Address submitted by user
        reference: Reference for ongoing transaction
        city: City submitted by user
        state: State submitted by user
        zipcode: sZipcode submitted by user

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {
        "address": address,
        "reference": reference,
        "city": city,
        "state": state,
        "zip_code": zipcode,
    url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_address")
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

submit_birthday(birthday, reference)

Submit Birthday when requested


Name Type Description Default
birthday str

Birthday submitted by user. ISO Format e.g. 2016-09-21

reference str

Reference for ongoing transaction



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def submit_birthday(self, birthday: str, reference: str) -> Response:
    """Submit Birthday when requested

        birthday: Birthday submitted by user. ISO Format e.g. 2016-09-21
        reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {"birthday": birthday, "reference": reference}
    url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_birthday")
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

submit_otp(otp, reference)

Submit OTP to complete a charge


Name Type Description Default
otp str

OTP submitted by user

reference str

Reference for ongoing transaction



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def submit_otp(self, otp: str, reference: str) -> Response:
    """Submit OTP to complete a charge

        otp: OTP submitted by user
        reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {"otp": otp, "reference": reference}
    url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_otp")
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

submit_phone(phone, reference)

Submit Phone when requested


Name Type Description Default
phone str

Phone submitted by user

reference str

Reference for ongoing transaction



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def submit_phone(self, phone: str, reference: str) -> Response:
    """Submit Phone when requested

        phone: Phone submitted by user
        reference: Reference for ongoing transaction

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {"phone": phone, "reference": reference}
    url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_phone")
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)

submit_pin(pin, reference)

Submit PIN to continue a charge


Name Type Description Default
pin str

PIN submitted by user

reference str

Reference for transaction that requested pin



Type Description

A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

Source code in src/pypaystack2/api/
def submit_pin(self, pin: str, reference: str) -> Response:
    """Submit PIN to continue a charge

        pin: PIN submitted by user
        reference: Reference for transaction that requested pin

        A named tuple containing the response gotten from paystack's server.

    payload = {"pin": pin, "reference": reference}
    url = self._parse_url("/charge/submit_pin")
    return self._handle_request(HTTPMethod.POST, url, payload)